"The feminization of culture, specifically within media and advertising, has been a tremendous weight on creative identity in the 21st century." This is the heart of the problem at every level of entertainment: films, TV shows, books and music; as well as culture.

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Why put so much effort into writing such a miserable article about a show you don’t like and don’t watch? This is a sloppy, hack critique made from a position of ignorance about a subject you are uninterested in learning more about… so just why? Go write about something you actually know about and enjoy instead of torturing yourself and your audience with these overworn, inaccurate, mild-spicy takes.

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My friend, I've read 6 books on Saturday Night Live and am far more versed on the series than you will ever be in your life. Stop reacting so impulsively, read the article, and you will see that this is not written from a position of malice.

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